Palianytsia: The First Ukrainian
Long-Range Missile

A fundraiser that will change the rules of this war.
We will write new ones together

Rule #1

We make our own rules

In the last 2.5 years, russia has launched over 9,600 missiles at Ukrainian cities, schools, hospitals, and residential buildings. All this time Ukraine has had to rely on foreign, long-range weapons only, which come with foreign rules: not to strike military facilities deep inside russian territory.

We created our own long-range missiles that will change these rules. Today, we’re launching a fundraiser to produce more of these missiles. From now on, we will decide how to use them.

Rule #2

People do what governments can’t

We're raising $6,000,000 towards 24 rockets, honoring the Independence Day of Ukraine.

The Palianytsia is the first Ukrainian long-range missile, designed specifically to hit airfields and other russian military facilities deep inside their territory. While being a military secret, rest assured that Palianytsia's flight range is sufficient to fulfill the tasks of neutralizing russia's military potential.